Thursday, April 12, 2012

SCwSG, Gracie and Diane Support Animal Cruelty Awareness Month!

Spring is early in the Colorado mountains. We are so thankful to see the birth of new life all around us. April is a great month to bring awareness to animal cruelty.
There is some confusion to me if the ribbon color is orange or purple but whichever you decide to go with wear it and talk to people to increase compassion, awareness and action to prevent unthinkable atrocities that occur everyday around the world! Animals bring unconditional love and joy into our lives and they deserve to be treated with respect and honor.

Did you know, petting an animal can lower blood pressure; lift your spirits; their companionship and antics can make you laugh; and improve your overall life?   

Many animal welfare sites offer important information to help you make informed decisions when buying, adopting or trying to help animals. Here are a few points that have helped us. 

1. Adopt before you shop! If a store sells puppies be careful! Most pet store puppies come from puppy mills. Don't buy ANYTHING in a store that supports the cruel raising of animals in puppy mills.

2. Know who to contact when reporting animal cruelty.

3. Get to know the animals in your neighborhood and if you suspect cruelty or neglect-call 911.

4. Set a good example by properly training and caring for you pet and be sure to educate children on how to treat animals with kindness and respect.

5. Volunteer with SCwSG animal rescue, education and awareness team. 

Let's help ourselves by helping animals. It's the right thing to do.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
- Mark Twain

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