Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Making Memories with Mary---Making a Card Puzzle

Recycle the front of a card and make a simple puzzle!  Younger children love to put these together and older children may be able to do the entire project themselves.  This is a festive way to use Christmas cards from the previous year.  It is also a fun birthday party game with children trying to be the first to put together a birthday card puzzle.

Supplies needed:  Card front and scissors.

Step 1:  Choose a colorful card with a pleasing design.  Words and design features like the border pattern on this card are a big help when putting the puzzle together.

Step 2:  Starting on one side of the card, cut into it about one third to one quarter of the way up from the bottom. Cut across to form the first piece.  While cutting across, cut out a notch in the piece (see photo).   Then cut up from the bottom of the card (see photo) at approximately the point where the first puzzle piece will end.  Cut another notch for the other side of the puzzle and continue up to the first cut.  You have cut out your first puzzle piece!

Step 3:  Cut out the rest of the puzzle pieces as you chose.  Your puzzle is finished!   Put your puzzle back together.

When life is a puzzle, God is the Puzzlemaster! 
Blessings, Mary


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