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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Daily Devotional
Today's Devotion brought to you by Jonathan Vasgar Prayer Warrior
(All scripture taken from the NKJV unless otherwise noted)
"The Names of Jesus"
Have you ever taken the time to really reflect on the different names of our Lord? He has so many different names for different uses. As we kick off our week, I wanted to mention some of them.
First think of this one: Jehovah-Jireh or God my Provider. Genesis 22:14 is where Abraham (who I will get back to tomorrow, promise!) says: 'And Abraham called the name of the place, Jehovahjireh; as it is said [to] this day, "In the Mount of the LORD it shall be provided.'" Feeling like you need a provider? God is there for everything. If you are His child, He is your ultimate provider.
The there's El-Shaddai or God is our rock. How cool is that? We often say, that guy or girl is a rock in my life. How much sweeter to say that God is the rock in our life. Even when storms blow around, what doesn't move? A rock, that's what! A rock also casts a shadow to keep you out of the harsh sunlight. When all around you it gets to be too much, go to the Rock for shelter. Psalm 91:1 translates El Shaddai this way:' He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.'
Jehovah-Shalom means "the Lord send peace". Can you believe it? When you are feeling scared, the LORD himself provides peace. Forget anti-anxiety pills and take a healthy dose of God instead.
He is Jehovah-Rapha or God our Healer. Who better to bandage our wounds, but Jesus. When a sparrow falls to the ground, He notices! Matthew 6:26 (NIV) "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" How much love He has for us, He loves us enough to heal our brokeness.
Ezekiel 48:35b: "And the name of the city from [that] day [shall be]: THE LORD [IS] THERE." That phrase is translated from Jehovah-shammah. I love this. People so often will let you down. It's just a fact. We are humans, we aren't always there for each other like we maybe need to be. However, the one who will NEVER let you down, never leave you lonely, is there always, is the LORD God Almighty.
Here's a challenge for you today. Take a piece of paper and write down names or characteristics of God that describe who He is to you. You'll be surprised how much He really means. For fun, I used the letters A-Z. He's Amazing, Almighty, Benevolent, Beloved, Creator God, etc.
Prayer: Lord, let us never forget what You have done for us. We don't deserve Your love. We don't deserve Your grace, and yet You are there for us. Let us remember to cry out to You when we are sad, go to You with our emotions. Let us run to You when we are lonely or full, You shouldn't be there for us only when we absolutely need You. God we need Your presence felt now. God, we need Your healing, Your love, Your friendship, we need You in our lives. Fill us and free us. AMEN
Song: This song is directly to the devotion above, but is God singing over us. Another reminder of Who He is.
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