Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 14 - Cryoglobulinemia Awareness

We want to encourage you, no matter what challenges you have or how disabled you may feel there are still important gifts and talents that you have and the world needs to you to share!! Please don't hold back. We'd love to have you join our virtual volunteer family made up of wonderful people from all over the world!

We continue to dedicate our banner to all those affected by 9-11 and other horrible terrorist attacks over the years. We honor those who have suffered, are suffering and have died at the hands of wicked terrorists that came to steal, kill and destroy.

The volunteer team of CVO & SCwSG honor the victims.

The nearly 3,000 names of the men, women, and children killed in the attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993 are inscribed in bronze on parapets surrounding the twin Memorial pools in New York.

Cryoglobulinemia Vasculitis is a disease much like a terrorist. We never know when, where or how it's going to attack. We can never be fully prepared. However, we can do our best to invoke preventative measures, increase awareness, teamwork, research, prevention and advocacy in hope of a CURE. So we can be delivered from the reign of terror and death it can bring to patients, family and friends.

We cannot know who Cryo will attack next. Please help us increase awareness about this rare, painful and terrifying disease. Thank you!

Learn more
Day 14 Bonus Banner

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