Monday, February 15, 2016

Amanda Bower ~ Writing, Blogging and Editing Specialist, TX

I talked with Diane and immediately knew I was home.  I stumbled on the Second Chance with Saving Grace (SCwSG) website when I was looking for places I could volunteer my time and writing skills.  I was impressed with the way the organization reaches out to adults, children, and animals who experience suffering of all kinds.

Like Diane, my father also had a rare form of vasculitis known as Microscopic Polyangiitis.  Its an autoimmune disease that can attack any organ.  Most people with the disease go into kidney failure, but with my dad, it went for the lungs.  After walking a few steps or speaking for more than a sentence or two, he'd have to stop and catch his breath.  He was treated with chemotherapy to suppress his immune system and keep his body from attacking itself and it appeared the disease went into remission.  Then, in early 2014, he had a sinus infection that would not go away and landed him in the hospital with pneumonia.  After many tests, it was discovered that he had acquired another disease-- myelodysplastic syndrome, a form of cancer that leads to leukemia-- as a result of the chemotherapy used to treat his vasculitis.  Both of these diseases together was terminal, and he passed away in September of 2014 at the age of 56-- too young.  Dad was a registered nurse by profession and had dedicated his life to serving the sick; in the end, he spent more time as a patient than at work.

I believe that God has a plan here and I'm trying to have the faith to continue into the next chapter in my life.  I have seen too much tragedy, too much illness, both mental and physical.   Sometimes, the best way we can cope is to give of our time and talents to others who need them, and maybe life will become just a little bit easier and more enjoyable for all of us.  I am thankful for the opportunity SCwSG has given me to do that.

To more about SCwSG or to become a volunteer go to:

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