Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 4 - Cryoglobulinemia Awareness!

We are going strong! Our Facebook support group is growing and truly better together. You are welcome to join to support cryo patients, learn more or if you need encouragement dealing with a mystery disease or chronic healt
h challenge. You'll find a family who understands there! 

Today's banner is dedicated to all the FAITHFUL, TALENTED and DEDICATED volunteers of SCwSG/CVO who use their gifts and talents to help hurting people and animals! IF I tried to list EVERYONE I'd possibly miss someone and the list would be pages long.

Our volunteers truly embody 8 important characteristic of Vital Volunteers!

1. Flexibility - Able to think outside the box. 
2. Team Player - They accept being a member of the team and see all the benefits to being a part of a growing and ever changing family.
3. Empathy - They care about people and animals that need help! 
4. Energy - They always need to be told what to do. They see a need and take care of it.
5. Creativity & Imagination - They don't hold back. They share incredible ideas and ways to help others. 
6. Integrity - They do what they say they will do.
7. Sacrifice/Selflessness/Partnership - They are always thinking of others before themselves.
6. Passion - They are happy to build their portfolios doing what they love for free to make a difference in the world, 
8. Professionalism - IF they decode to do a job they do it well representing themselves and the team the very best.

To be effective, a volunteer needs to possess the qualities that separate the ordinary from the amazing.

Our volunteers do just that! 

Those 2 simple words will never be enough for me to express just how wonderful, important and vital you are to me personally and to SCwSG/CVO and all the hurting people and animals we try to HELP!!!!! 


THANK YOU with All my HEART!!!

Day 4 Bonus Banner

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